Suvidha’s Http classes simplify handling responses. The default handlers support both Http classes and plain Protocol objects. If you write your own handlers, you must support these classes to use them effectively.

The Protocol Type

Response structure:

 * @typedef {object} Protocol
 * @property {any} body - The response body. This can be a string, an object, or any other data you want to send in the response.
 * @property {number} status - The HTTP status code (e.g. 200).
 * @property {Headers} [headers] - Optional response headers.  A record where the keys are header names and the values are their corresponding header values.
 * @property {Meta} [meta] - Optional metadata associated with the response.
export interface Protocol {
    body: any;
    status: number;
    headers?: Headers;
    meta?: Meta;

Using the Http Classes

import { Http } from "suvidha";

// In your request handler (using Suvidha's default handlers):
return Http.Ok.body({ message: "Success!" })
    .header("X-Custom-Header", "some-value")
    .meta({ timestamp: });

// Or for errors:
throw new Http.BadRequest.body({ error: "Invalid request" });

// Or using the default message:
throw new Http.Unauthorized(); // Sends a 401 with the default "Unauthorized" message.

The Http.End Class (Base Class)

This serves as the foundation for all other Http classes.

 * The base class for all HTTP response classes.
export class End {
     * @param {Protocol} protocol - The protocol object containing the response details.
    constructor(protected readonly protocol: Protocol) {
        this.protocol.headers = this.protocol.headers ?? {};
        this.protocol.meta = this.protocol.meta ?? {};

     * Sets the metadata for the response.
     * @param {Meta} meta - The metadata object.
     * @returns {Http.End} - The current Http.End instance for chaining.
    meta(meta: Meta): Http.End {
        this.protocol.meta = meta;
        return this;

     * Sets the headers for the response.
     * @param {Headers} headers - The headers object.
     * @returns {Http.End} - The current Http.End instance for chaining.
    headers(headers: Headers): Http.End {
        this.protocol.headers = headers;
        return this;

     * Sets a single header for the response.
     * @param {string} key - The header key.
     * @param {string} value - The header value.
     * @returns {Http.End} - The current Http.End instance for chaining.
    header(key: string, value: string): Http.End {
        this.protocol.headers![key] = value;
        return this;

     * Gets the HTTP status code.
     * @returns {number} - The HTTP status code.
    getStatus(): number {
        return this.protocol.status;
     * Gets reference to the response body.
     * @returns {any} - The response body.
    getBody(): any {
        return this.protocol.body;

     * Gets the response metadata.
     * @returns {Meta} - The metadata object.
    getMeta(): Meta {
        return this.protocol.meta!;

     * Gets the response headers.
     * @returns {Headers} - The headers object.
    getHeaders(): Headers {
        return this.protocol.headers!;

HTTP Response Classes

2xx (Success) classes require a body. Other classes (1xx, 3xx, 4xx, 5xx) have default messages.

Http.Ok (200 OK)

  • Description: Represents a successful 200 OK response.
  • Usage: Http.Ok.body(body).
  • Example: return Http.Ok.body({ data: result });.
 * Represents a 200 OK response.
export class Ok extends End {
     * @param {any} body - The response body.
    constructor(body: Protocol["body"]) {
        super({ body, status: StatusCodes.OK });

     * Creates an `Http.Ok` response with the given body.
     * @param {any} body - The response body.
     * @returns {Http.Ok} - A new `Http.Ok` instance.
    static body(body: Protocol["body"]): Ok {
        return new Ok(body);

Http.BadRequest (400 Bad Request)

  • Description: Represents a 400 Bad Request response.
  • Usage: throw new Http.BadRequest.body(body) or throw new Http.BadRequest() (for default message).
  • Example: throw new Http.BadRequest.body({ error: "Invalid input" }); or throw new Http.BadRequest(); (sends “Bad Request”).
 * Represents a 400 Bad Request response. Includes a default body message.
export class BadRequest extends End {
     * @param {any} [body="Bad Request"] - The response body (defaults to "Bad Request").
    constructor(body: Protocol["body"] = "Bad Request") {
        super({ body, status: StatusCodes.BAD_REQUEST });

     * Creates an `Http.BadRequest` response with the given body.
     * @param {any} body - The response body.
     * @returns {Http.BadRequest} - A new `Http.BadRequest` instance.
    static body(body: Protocol["body"]): BadRequest {
        return new BadRequest(body);

Other classes follow the same pattern.

Error Handling with Http Classes

You can throw an instance of the appropriate Http error class.

// Example:
if (/* some error condition */) {
    throw new Http.BadRequest.body({ error: "Missing required parameter" }); // Custom message

if (/* another error condition */) {
    throw new Http.InternalServerError(); // Default "Internal Server Error" message

Simple Alternative

You can return plain Protocol objects if preferred:

return {
    body: data,
    status: 200,
    headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" },
    meta: { timestamp: },

Do not throw plain Protocol objects, as they are not processed by the onErr handler in DefaultHandlers.